SOC SCI 1A- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 30 pages long!)

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The purpose of the course is to introduce the disciplines comprising the social sciences. The study of human beings and their social world. What are the different ways of obtaining knowledge and answering questions: common sense, authority, tradition / religion, logic and reasoning, science. We viewed a short film on the columbia accident investigation. We will have one or two questions regarding the actions of the nasa that hindered the accident investigation. Theories are only guesses , and have tendency of bias. The more we know, the more informed decisions we make. We can use knowledge to make us better. Science to human application makes the world a better place. Must use science to improve technology lead to utopia. Know the meaning of the four idols of the mind that interfere with the search for correct knowledge according to bacon: idols of the tribe- errors we all make because we are human.