[SOC SCI 198] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 22 pages long Study Guide!

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30 Mar 2017

Document Summary

You control your own destiny- make your own rules and break your own roles. You create something and contribute to society. You get the rush when things work out. Money and fame- it is a topping on a cake- don"t do it for that purpose. Don"t do both: the path to your future. It is about risk and creating new values. Go get a gs- get good at getting stuff done. Get the app out ugly and then get updates. Then fix it: why doesn"t everyone make 25/hr. Do what you love and money will follow- no! Do what you love and money will follow- no: start with a problem, not a solution. Where do ideas come from?- everything you experience! Your usually your own customer: funnel. Kill off the ideas: five phases of the design process. Ideation is thought to be the first step but it isn"t. Divergent thinking- going out; thinking about new things, brainstorming.