PSYCH 120A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Eye Movement Desensitization And Reprocessing, Adjustment Disorder, Antidepressant

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13 Sep 2017

Document Summary

What does abnormal look like and how do we know when it reaches a level where it"s a problem and might indicate mental illness: abnormal looks like anything that is out of the state of normality Includes behavior that is: unusual, socially deviant, faulty perceptions or interpretations of reality, significant personal distress, maladaptive or self-defeating, dangerous. Alcoholism, agoraphobia: dangerousness, behavior that is dangerous to oneself or other people. Jean-martin charcot: french neurologist, using hypnosis to treat hysteria, sigmund freud, austrian physician. Insight of hysteria symptoms disappearing or reappearing through hypnosis led to the psychological perspective on abnormal behavior the psychodynamic model. Joseph breuer: viennese physician, anna o, catharsis, behavioral perspective/learning model. Interplay of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors in the development of psychological disorders. In the freudian model, mental health is a function of the dynamic balance among the mental structures id, ego, and superego.