[PSY BEH 9] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (16 pages long)

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Document Summary

Structuralism: taking a complex process and finding the structure of the mental process: introspection led to the downfall of structuralism. Functionalism: function of thoughts and feelings: william james taught american psychology course at harvard, encouraged women to learn psychology, allowed mary calkins to attend his graduate seminar, but the president of. Harvard did not give her a psychology degree: first female psychology ph. d went to margaret floy washburn. Levels of analysis: biological level, how the physical body (mainly the brain) contributes to behaviors and mental processes, individual level, collecting information at the level of the individual"s psychological experience, ex. Iq test: social level, how people interact and influence w/each other, other people having an influence on us, cultural level, behavior and mental processes may differ based on different cultures. 2: operational definitions: precise descriptions of research variables and same. If they can, then we are more confident in our experiment findings. procedures used to measure them.