PSY BEH 170S Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Unconditional Positive Regard, Collective Unconscious

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P170C Personality: Midterm Study Guide
Comparative analysis of personality theories
Between models: Psychosocial Conflict, Intrapsychic Conflict, and Fulfillment
Between theorists: e.g. Freud vs. Erikson
The core and periphery of personality
The developmental statement
The Conflict Model: Psychosocial Version
Freud’s Position (Pg. 27)
Core Tendency
Core Characteristics: Id, Ego, Superego
Life, death, and sexual instincts
Psychosexual Stages
Fixation and manifestation of fixation
Character types and defenses typical to those character types
Ideal functioning/Ideal character type
Goal of psychoanalysis
Ego Psychology (Pg. 58)
Ego psychologists
Modifications to psychoanalysis and Freud’s
Erikson (Pg. 60)
Core Tendency
Core Characteristics: Id, Ego, Superego
Developmental Ages and fixation
The Conflict Model: Intrapsychic Version
Rank’s Position (Pg. 74)
Core Tendency
Core Characteristics: Fear of life, fear of death and will
Will and counterwill
Personality types: Artist, Neurotic person, and Average person
Jung’s Position (Pg. 83)
Core Tendency
Core Characteristics: Ego, Collective unconscious
Personality types: Introversive/Extroversive; Rational modes of functioning (thinking and
feeling); Irrational modes of functioning (sensing and intuiting); Selfhood
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