PSY BEH 11C Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Theory Of Multiple Intelligences, Heritability

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Factor analysis statistical technique summarizing the relationships among test scores; can be used to determine whether if something common between them affects all of them. Fluid intelligence ability to deal with new and unusual problems: more affected by age, depression, fatigue, alcohol consumption, crystallized intelligence an individual"s acquired knowledge; specific. Intelligences specific verbal, numerical and spatial abilities contribute to intelligence test scores iv. Typical components of intelligence tests: mental speed i. Simple reaction time how quickly one can detect a stimulus: choice reaction time how quickly one can select the correct response to a stimulus iii. Chapter 11 selection of the next action: other contributions to intellectual functioning, life experience, motivation, attitude toward intellectual challenges, willingness to persevere when a problem becomes frustratingly difficult. Savant syndrome individuals with a single extraordinary talent, while otherwise developmentally disabled; support for view of multiple intelligences.