PSY BEH 11C- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 27 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Applies science of psychology to work & workplace. Researchers interested in broad range of topics related to work environment. I. e. selection of right person, influence of attitudes on job performance, ways people work together in groups. 3 important influences on development of i/o psych: scientific management, ergonomics, human relations approach to management. Engineers focused on scientific management : managerial philosophy that emphasizes the worker as a well-oiled machine & determination of most efficient methods for performing any work-related task. Taylor : mastermind of idea of scientific management guidelines: Jobs should be carefully analyzed to identify optimal way to perform them. Employees should be hired according to characteristics associated with success as task. Identified by examining people who are already successful at a job. Should be trained at job they will perform. Should be rewarded for productivity to encourage high levels of performance. Frank (engineer) & lillian (psychologist) gilbreth time and motion studies.