PSY BEH 11C Study Guide - Final Guide: Gestalt Therapy, Exposure Therapy, Antihistamine

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(cid:373)ust (cid:374)ot (cid:271)e (cid:373)erel(cid:455) a(cid:374) e(cid:454)pe(cid:272)ta(cid:271)le a(cid:374)d (cid:272)ulturall(cid:455) sa(cid:374)(cid:272)tio(cid:374)ed respo(cid:374)se to a parti(cid:272)ular e(cid:448)e(cid:374)t. E. g. treatment of madness as demonic possession in past: drill holes in skull. Intervention: the way you understand a problem determines how you try to fix it. Psychosocial: some patients have been abused as children. Includes scales to detect random responding, over and under reporting. Mmpi designed to assess patients profiles along 10 separate scales, differentiate among patient groups. Pos/benefits: diagnose faster to provide quicker treatment, improve treatment of mental illness, uniform framework for describing illness, crucial in search for cause for mental disorders. Neg/co t : o(cid:448)erdiag(cid:374)osi(cid:374)g(cid:894)? (cid:895), la(cid:271)els do(cid:374)"t e(cid:454)plai(cid:374) people"s pro(cid:271)le(cid:373)s, stig(cid:373)a (cid:894)as soo(cid:374) as diag(cid:374)osti(cid:272) label is applied, people are begun to be treated as their disease) Delusions: fixed false belief, based on interpretations of real events, somewhat grounded in realit(cid:455) (cid:271)ut ehhh . Ideas of reference: associated with ideas/beliefs of perception. Neg: things not present that should be (movement problems, etc)