PSY BEH 11C Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Intellectual Disability, Twin Study, Factor Analysis

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This finding: justified a policy of excluding eastern europeans from immigrating to the. They are asked how many pounds they will need to feed seven men. Subjects in the first group accept the premise regarding the amount of meat it takes to feed a man, and all try to answer the questions. However, subjects in the second group think that the test may be about the premise itself and begin arguing that two pounds of meat is too much for one man. Chances are that: subjects in the second group do not understand basic math, subjects in the first group have had formal schooling characteristic of. American and european education, but subjects in the second group have not: subjects in the second group have had formal schooling characteristic of. Group a was told it was an intelligence test while group b was told that the problems on the test were not meant to assess them.