PSY BEH 11C Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Standard Deviation, Working Memory, Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test

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Document Summary

Trait: defines a person"s predominant thoughts, feelings, behaviors. Openness: how open you are to trying new things. Extraversion: how social you are; how you get your energy (with people vs without people) Agreeableness: how easy to get along with you are. Personality paradox: people often behave less consistently than expected. Power of the situation: our behavior is often determined more by the situation we are in rather than our traits, causing low trait consistency across situations; weak/ambiguous situations vs. highly structured situation. Self-monitoring scale: a personality measure that determines how much a person alters/adjusts their behavior to act appropriately in new circumstances. If in this setting, then do so and so . High self-monitors are less consistent across situations because they adjust their behaviors to fit their situation. Low self-monitors are more consistent across situations. Temperament: one"s characteristic emotional or behavioral pattern; a person"s characteristic level of reactivity and energy, often thought to be constitutional.