PSY BEH 104S Study Guide - Final Guide: Confirmation Bias, Stanford Prison Experiment, Group Polarization

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Study guide for exam 1: psychology fundamentals - c. Lecture 1: what is psychology, scientific method (theory; hypotheses, what are some challenges to studying aspects of psychology, who practices psychology, social vs. abnormal vs. Lecture 2: drives, motivations and emotions: maslow"s hierarchy, pleasure and pain; lust, passionate love, love, dopamine; serotonin; epinephrine; testosterone/estrogen, attachment, role of oxytocin and vasopression. Influences (affective, cognitive, behavioral: referent advertising, positive emotions, fear (and efficacy!) Lecture 4 : persuasion: elaboration likelihood model a. Central and peripheral routes: persuasion principles (consensus, scarcity, commitment, reciprocation, authority, liking, does attitude change behavior or behavior change attitude? a. b. Cognitive dissonance: social norms (situation specific rules, social influence (normative v. informative, conformity, sherif (1936) autokinetic effect, asch 1955 line judgments a. Lecture 5: obedience to the person, group influences social norms (situation specific rules: the power of the situation, milgram study a. b.