PSY BEH 104S- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 95 pages long!)

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What is social psychology? (cid:498)anything a social psychologist studies(cid:499) (cid:498)the scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another(cid:499) What social psychology isn"t: abnormal psychology, things that deviate from normal behaviors, focuses on disorder, mental illnesses, etc, sp interested in everyday behavior. 3 landmark events in history of social psychology (cid:883)(cid:891)(cid:882)(cid:890): publishing of (cid:498)social psychology(cid:499) books by e. a ross & william mcdougal: the triplett study, ex: children on different ages. Interdependent (collectivistic) cultures: people tend to define themselves as part of a collective/group, placing less importance on individual freedom or person control. Independent (individualistic) cultures: people tend to think themselves as distinct. Independent: western, european, self as distinct from other, desire to distinguish, collectivism. Investigates how situation influence all people in the same way, not what makes people different: many counter-intuitive, surprising finding, tempting to think that results do not apply to you. Is social psychology weird: western, educated, from industrialized, rich and democratic countries.