PSY BEH 103H Study Guide - Final Guide: Health Literacy, Standard Drink, Bulimia Nervosa

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Health psychology - chapters 11, 13, 14, 16. Type 1: insulin dependent, autoimmune disorder, occurs before age 30, can"t produce insulin, no cure. Type 2: non insulin dependent, more common. Type 2: african americans, hispanics, and native americans, higher risk: how do the rates of type 2 diabetes vary between pima indian groups in mexico vs. the. Higher rate for pima indian group in us because of lifestyle differences. Fast food, bigger portions, sedentary lifestyle in us. Primary prevention changing behavior to decrease transmission. Secondary prevention helping people live with infection. Limiting number of sexual partners, use condoms, don"t share needles. Encouraging hiv testing, coping with diagnosis, tailoring interventions to person"s specific situation, adhering to medical regime, motivational interviewing. In colonial america drinking more common that today. Current drinking: at least 12 drinks during your life and 1 drink during past year. Prohibition: 18th amend outlawed sale of alcohol. Native americans highest rates of heavy and binge drinking.