POL SCI 51A- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 79 pages long!)

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Document Summary

For today: first we will go over class requirements, second we begin course introduction. Scholarly journal articles will be posted to class website. Participation (38%)- quizzes (2 quizzes 100 pts each)=200. You must take the quizzes, midterm and final at the scheduled times. Exact dates located in syllabus, reminders will be given in lecture and section. Attendance in sections are mandatory for this course. During the past twenty-five years the world has seen an astonishing number of changes. Did we predict the fall of the soviet union?- no. Did we predict china would be running world economy?- no. Who would have predicted that when we won the cold war, who would have thought we would run to putin?- nobody. Russia is back in business and making demands, saying that the baltic. Right now, asia is experiencing a massive increase in economic power. This unorganized revolutions are on the streets.