HISTORY 40C Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, Jacob S. Coxey Sr., Upton Sinclair

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31 Jul 2017

Document Summary

While students are responsible for knowing all of the key terms included in lectures, readings, and discussions, the collection of terms below represents a partial list of some of the major terms we have covered thus far this quarter. At a minimum, you must be able to define and identify the significance of the following terms: During these years, american military might often backed up american commercial interests, creating an economic imperialism that sometimes weighed on other countries almost as heavily as outright conquest. The populists rapidly gained ground in the political arena. That same year, populist supporter jacob coxey led an army of roughly four hundred workers on a march from. Ohio to washington to demand government jobs for the unemployed. One of the best-known muckrakers, wrote classic books in the progressive tradition, told the harrowing tale of life in a chicago meatpacking plant.