EARTHSS 152 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Radioactive Decay, Geochemistry, Electronvolt

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ESS 152
Isotope Geochemistry – 2018 Midterm Review
Concepts to understand
Chart of the Nuclides:
z=# of protons
n=# of neutrons
A= n+ z (mass #)
radioactive vs stable isotopes
Stable isotopes are more towards the middle
Radioactive- towards the outside and top
z>83, no stable nuclei
binding energy and nuclear stability
Higher Binding energy/nucleon=lower internal energy= more stable
Mass defect=calculated-actual mass
The mass of an atom is always less than the sum of its parts
(protons, electrons, neutrons)
Binding energy=mc^2
Convert mass (amu) to kg
Convert joules to MeV
Divide by the # of nucleons
Magic numbers
All even #’s= most stable, high abundance
Protons or neutron only even #=fairly abundant
Odd # of protons and neutrons=not abundant
Most abundant when… Z or N=2, 8, 20, 28 ,50, 82, 126
valley of stability
Z<20, most stable nuclei have 1:1 ratio of N/Z
@ higher masses Neutrons(N) become greater than Protons(Z)
N/Z ratio ~ 1.5
Z>83 no stable nuclei
** higher up the valley wall= shorter half-life
Nuclei on vall walls are unstable and will decay towards the valley
# of stable isotopes << # of radioactive ones
nucleosynthesis – diff types
Element abundance as a result of…
Nuclear Stability
4 phases
1. Cosmological (Big Bang)
2. Stellar (Stars)
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H burning
He burning
3. Explosive (Supernova)
Fe is the most stable form of matter
No heat to balance gravity→ collapse= Supernova
4. Galactic/Cosmogenic (Space)
stellar nucleosynthesis up to Mass 56
Begins with H burning
Proton-proton chain
99% of Sun’s energy
then...helium/carbon burning
a and e process
Synthesis of heavier elements by p, r, s processes
Synthesizing elements with A>56
S process: radioactive isotopes have time to decay before next
neutron capture
Follows s pathway
If B- is protected by an r only, it is an s-only process
All others on the path are s&r
R-process: neutron capture outpaces decay
r-only , elements that follow B- but are not on the S path
P-process: proton bombardment
Explains the existence of heavy nuclei on the proton rich
side of s-process pathway
Elements not on the s-path and protected from B-
relationship to isotope abundance
Most stable= s pathway
Most abundant
Larger atomic weight= less abundant
Magic #’s are most abundant (Z or N= 2,8,20,28,50,82,126)
Even is better than odd
Radioactive decay (α, β-, β+) , half-lives, decay constants
Alpha decay: A - 4, Z - 2
Emission of 4He (alpha particle)
Daughter experiences recoil (alpha and daughter have equal and
opposite momentums)
Beta - : A - 0, Z + 1
Converts one neutron → proton + electron
Release of electron (Beta particle)
Beta + : A - 0, Z - 1
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Converts one proton → neutron + electron
Release of positron (beta particle)
Electron capture: A - 0, Z - 1
Convert one proton→ neutron
Gamma decay- photon emission, no change in A or Z
Spontaneous Fission- Z=92 or above, generates two smaller nuclei
The shorter the half life= more radioactive
Long half life= more stable
Only stable nuclei
How abundant they are in nature
Isochron method & Assumptions
Comparing ratio of parent (N) to daughter (D) yields the age of the sample
Known from half life
We must assume…
Half life is constant and correct
It is a closed system (no gain of D isotopes except through decay)
Initial D=0
Rb-Sr dating methods
Different chemistry of Rb and Sr (incompatibility)
Rb prefers melt, is more incompatile than Sr
Parent is more incompatible
Incompatible: ions that do not fit into major rock forming minerals
Usually large ions
Ions are sorted by size and charge during crystallization of a cooling
High Rb/Sr= more 87Sr
Low Rb/Sr = less 87 Sr
why continental crust and oceanic crust differ
Continental = Granite
(Rb and K)
Higher Rb/Sr ratio
Higher radiogenic (87Sr/86Sr) isotope ratio
Oceanic= basalt
(Sr and Ca)
○ Why isochron approach is necessary
87Sr/86Sr= (e^(λt) -1) (87Rb/86Sr) + 87Sr/86Sr(initial)
slope= (e^(λt) -1)
Can be used to find t
y-intercept = 87Sr/86Sr(initial)
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Document Summary

Stable isotopes are more towards the middle. Higher binding energy/nucleon=lower internal energy= more stable. The mass of an atom is always less than the sum of its parts (protons, electrons, neutrons) All even #"s= most stable, high abundance. Odd # of protons and neutrons=not abundant. Z<20, most stable nuclei have 1:1 ratio of n/z. @ higher masses neutrons(n) become greater than protons(z) ** higher up the valley wall= shorter half-life. Nuclei on vall walls are unstable and will decay towards the valley floor. # of stable isotopes << # of radioactive ones. Fe is the most stable form of matter. No heat to balance gravity collapse= supernova. Synthesis of heavier elements by p, r, s processes. S process: radioactive isotopes have time to decay before next neutron capture. If b- is protected by an r only, it is an s-only process isotope. R-only , elements that follow b- but are not on the s path.