CRM/LAW C164 Study Guide - Final Guide: Urban Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, Food Security

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Recall that section three focuses on distinct cases or contexts related to the ethics and politics of justice. These case studies illustrate the relevance and utility of ideas explored in the first two sections of the course, as well as orienting, reconciling, and realistically utopian ambitions of justice studies today. What do the concepts of food security and food justice refer to specfically. Food justice is communities exercising their right to grow, sell, and eat healthy food. Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Community food security initiatives integrate efforts to address hunger, foster small-scale sustainable food production, and develop new local markets for sustainably produced food. Food access is the ability to produce and consume healthy food.