CRM/LAW C131 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lucchese Crime Family, Bonanno Crime Family, Colombo Crime Family

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Document Summary

Organized crime involves thousands of criminals, working within structures as complex as those of a large corporation, subject to laws more rigidly enforced than those of legitimate. It started with those who migrated from another country (italy) and were at the bottom of the heap they couldn"t conform to the. American way so they innovated and found alternative ways in pursuing the american dream, which happened to be crooked. Members of organized crime perceive members of society who aren"t involved in organized crime as bureaucratic and centralized. Organized crime is tolerated because society appreciates the work criminals do, and this appreciation for some people may turn into a need. Gangsters serve as the police for people who can"t go to the police. The ordinariness of respectability relationship is formed between gangsters, and the police/community because gangsters are more generous to the community, than the elite who are hoarding wealth. This generosity comes in the form of goods/services.