CRM/LAW C101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Reasonable Person, Social Forces, Product Liability

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It penetrates our everyday life in many ways. (feinman) it is entangled with our everyday existence. One way it makes our country unique is from common law. We the people (designates the ultimate sovereign; entry into the social contract: says we all agree as a community to do this together. Legal processes (voting, impeachment, law-making and adjudicating) Federal powers (legislative power in congress; executive power in a president; judicial power in a supreme court) State powers (taxation, war, commerce regulation, immigration control) Rule of law (principles that are embedded in the document like due process, trial by jury, protection of right to own property) Give the judiciary the power to hear all cases rising under all laws: article 4 federalism- state decision are given full faith and credit. Neighboring states is supposed to recognize and deem it as valid: article 5 provides a process of amending the constitution.