ANTHRO 2A Study Guide - Final Guide: Indian Removal Act, Horizontal Gene Transfer, Commodification

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10 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Core: dominant position in world system (us, canada, uk) Semi periphery: intermediate between core and periphery (brazil exports and imports) Immigration from periphery and semi has cheaper labor. Also relevant material in chap 5, mirror for. Single global system of econ and political relations in which capitalist relations of production and exchange dominate, mixed with other non-capitalist forms of production and exchange. Semi periphery: industrialized nation that lack wealth standard of living . Totalizing: form of misrepresentation (take one thing of many things and represent it as the total) Everything works amongst other logics too within society; interrelationships. Periphery: nations w/ low industrialization, labor intensive, low standard of living, econ depend on export raw materials and cash crops, import manufactured goods. Technological changes in machinery and management techniques in having control over people. Has become a routine and that anybody can do it.