ANTHRO 2A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Population Genetics, Extensive-Form Game, Intercropping

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Document Summary

Sociocultural: study of human society and culture, their differences and simi- larities differences throughout history. Linguistic: studies language in its social and cultural context through space and time. Archaeological: reconstructs, describes and interprets human behavior and cul- tural patterns through material remains cultural difference through time. Biological: investigation of human diversity through time and space. More than communication, provides categories for us, a way to organize the world for us. Relating everything to nature; breaking things down to a simple level even if it cannot be evaluated in that manner. Things that are prior, hold to be true. Thesis that sociocultural and physical differences between human groups are expres- sions of fundamentally different biological stocks (types, biological types) Race: emphasizes historical contacts, linkages, and power differentials between local people and international forces. Colonialism: the political, social, economic, and cultural domination of a territory and its people by foreign power for an extended time.