ANTHRO 2A Final: Final Exam - Fall 2017

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28 Feb 2018

Document Summary

Trobriands, gender, exchange, and power (trobrianders of papua new guinea) Japanese factories, malay workers: class and sexual metaphors in west. Race, human variation, and the forces of evolution. Workers are striking for better pay, workers want limits to how many hours they work. Charlie chaplin modern time - against henry ford. After wwii, workers in u. s. & western europe were given many more rights & protections. But companies look for new ways to try to make profits. This would lead to companies developing a strategy. Companies began to close factories when labor costs were higher & reopen them where labor was cheaper. Free trades zones/special economic zones (ong - ftzs : special areas usually located in developing country where foreign companies are encouraged to open a factory. Aiwa ong - malaysian electronic workers low wages. Kampung girls work in the factories (14-25 years old) live in dorms. Malaysians believe that unmarried, virgin girls are especially vulnerable to sprit attack.