ANTHRO 128B Study Guide - Final Guide: Human Genome Project, Y Chromosome, Genetic Disorder

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+found that there is no biological significance in race. ~gender associated with genetics not physical appearance or anything else. +portra(cid:455)ed as (cid:373)ore fe(cid:373)i(cid:374)i(cid:374)e a(cid:374)d (cid:862)ge(cid:374)eti(cid:272) fe(cid:373)ales(cid:863) (cid:271)e(cid:272)ause (cid:1006) x (cid:272)hro(cid:373)oso(cid:373)e. ~redescribed in more gendered terms in the 1950s. ~assumptions of purpose of womanhood and the way women are supposed to look. A research project focused on creating a map that locates all human genes and their nucleotide sequence. A genetic disorder in females identified as chromosomal (xo) genotype. A genetic disorder in males identified as a chromosomal (xxy) genotype (cid:862) uper(cid:373)ale(cid:863) s(cid:455)(cid:374)drome (xyy) A genetic disorder in males identified as a chromosomal (xyy) genotype mosaicism. Having presence of two or more populations of cells with different genotypes in one individual. ~non-inactivation of x chromosome in females, men with xx from mothers, women with. A genetic chromosome involved with determining the sex of an organism (usually x or y). ~metaphorically links to traditional idea of men and women.