SOC 154 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act, Times New Roman

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6 Dec 2016

Document Summary

It is january 2017 and you have been chosen by the president (from a party of your choice) to propose amendments to the affordable care act of 2010 (aca). You should not only extol the merits of your proposal but outline alternative choices that the president could make. To write an effective proposal, you will need to understand and explicitly apply material from course readings, lectures and discussions. You are required to cite all of your sources whether you quote them or paraphrase them. The paper must rely solely on assigned and, if you wish, recommended readings. The paper should be 4 pages, typed, and single-spaced (12-pt. Do not exceed the page limit--longer is not better! The paper is to be completed individually without collaboration, except for editing by a classmate, friend or the learning skills center. You will be evaluated on both your own ideas and your use of ideas from readings, discussions and lectures.