SOC 1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sexual Objectification, Sexual Attraction, Cisgender

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12 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Based on biological differences - however the categories we use to understand those differences are filtered through our socially constructed ideas about gender. No matter how we try to measure sex - physiology, chromosomes, hormones - it is much easier to think of it as a spectrum than a binary. People are born with any of several variations in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, or genitals. Gender identity : the gender a person identifies with. Gender expression : the way in which a person presents themselves (in other culture: hijra) Gender identity and gender expression don"t have to match up. Our ideas about gender are influenced by the gender roles our society has socially constructed. Sex and gender are not the same. Identity and expression are not determined by biology. Someone whose gender identity matches the sex/gender they were assigned at birth: trans gender. Someone whose gender identity doesn"t match the sex/gender they were assigned at birth: non-binary.