PSC 168 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dissociative Identity Disorder, Psychogenic Amnesia, Fugue State

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1 Jan 2018

Document Summary

Cultures differ in their tolerance for dissociation and altered states of consciousness. Sometimes dissociation is induced for spiritual or healing purposes. Disruptions or gaps in normal integration of subjective experiences. Depersonalization -episodes of feeling detached from one"s self or one"s body. Derealization - feelings of having a sense of unreality about one"s surroundings. Living in a dream or acting like a robot . Diagnosis of depersonalization disorder is made if symptoms occur in absence of another diagnosis. Memory is split off because it"s emotionally painful and traumatic. Info has been stored, but not accessible. Associated with amnesia for identity or important autobiographical info. Often after natural disaster or in wartime. Each with own memories, attitudes, and perceptions. Psychodynamic dissociation - trauma model for did. Severe trauma in early childhood (physical, sexual abuse, witnessing trauma) Escape - imagining a new identity and self-hypnosis. Distinct memories, unique feelings, and the beginnings of a new identity.