PSC 168- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 81 pages long!)

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Buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, foolish investments: symptoms last one week or hospitalization is needed, additional symptoms, psychosis, hypergraphia (writing, hyperreligiosity (epiphany, hypersexuality, hyperacuity, obsessive and compulsive, anxiety, loud speech ix. Self-centeredness, narcissism, manipulation: arguing, anger, hostility xi. Tofanil, amitryptiline: mostly norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, side effects, weight gain/ increased appetite, sedation, dry mouth, constipation, ssri (serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors, 1989s (prozac, increased by 400% since ssri, work by blocking serotonin repuptake, ex. Paxil: elevated suicide risk in that they are activating, initially less serotonin until brain adjust, energy comes back to attempt suicide, mao inhibitors (monoamine oxidase) inhibitors, available 1960s, eg. In the u. s. , 31,000 suicides per year: risk factors for suicide, suicidal thoughts, wanting to be dead vs. intent and plan, lethality of method, likelihood of succeeding (e. g. , firearm vs. pills, suicides in us: To manipulate relationships: family history of suicide, especially, suicide of parent during childhood. Men tend to chose more violent and more lethal methods.