PSC 161 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Executive Functions, Pineal Gland, Social Contract

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30 Jan 2019

Document Summary

We can reflect on who we are. We are aware of ourselves as an object. We do not need a sense of self to exist. Ex: bees are able to live w/o sense of self. Ex: feeling shame (a self - conscious emotion) Shame is seen through the eyes of others. They must think i am a horrible person . Shame can help us keep our society in check. Study: self - esteem in romantic relationships. Those w/ low - self esteem were affected. The self is a filter which affects all of our thoughts & behaviors. It"s critical to understand the self in order to understand human psychology & behavior. Selfhood - the thoughts, feelings, & behaviors that arise from the awareness of self as. Something good may come out of shame. If we want to avoid feeling shame, we will act in a way that conforms to societal norms. Reflexive consciousness - people are self - aware.