PSC 154 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cognitive Bias, Exaptation, Cognitive Flexibility

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Human brain is very complex: contains ~100 billion neurons. Evolutionary appraisal theory: organisms are constantly alert to environmental changes related to well-being, situational appraisals experienced as emotions, event appraisal emotion. Primary appraisals, good and bad: primary appraisals involve amygdala, gives immediate unconscious feeling of good or bad, which is stronger, good or bad, bad is stronger because of our need to survive and detect danger. Extending appraisal research: appraisals cause emotions, cultural variations in appraisal, triggers for emotions differ across cultures, cultures shape how we appraise emotion-eliciting events. Attachment quality and emotional development: recognition and reactivity to elicitors of emotions are associated with caregiver"s sensitivity, ex: having a sensitive caregiver low reactivity to fear and slower development of fear expressions. The negativity bias: applies to infants in terms of approaching/avoiding a stimulus, children mainly experience positive interactions, making negative interactions more potent, evolutionarily adaptive function to avoid potentially harmful circumstances, facilitates child"s social-cognitive development, learn emotion regulation.