PSC 140 Study Guide - Final Guide: Parenting Styles, Object Permanence, Joint Attention

63 views3 pages
27 Jan 2014

Document Summary

Terms & concepts to review for final exam. The following is intended to serve as a guide on what to focus on in your studying for the final. There may be terms and concepts not included on this list that are on the exam, and some of the terms and concepts on this list may not ultimately appear as test questions. You should also reference your previous study guides for midterms 1-3. The final exam will be 68 multiple-choice questions covering all material from the quarter (text and lectures). General theories of development [esp. how they stand on issues of nature (biology) vs. nurture. General research methods and designs (e. g. , cross-sectional, longitudinal, cohort-sequential, (environment)] experimental vs. observational) Genetic transmission (e. g. , mitosis, meiosis, laws of genetic inheritance) Stages of prenatal development and key development in each. 3 stages of birth (what is the end-point of each?) Effects of low birth weight & criteria for low birth weight.