PSC 126 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Prolactin, Catecholamine, Walter Bradford Cannon

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25 Apr 2018

Document Summary

Power of thoughts & emotions to influence health & illness. The state of the mind affects the health of the body. The state of the body affects the mind. Emotions are associated w/ rates of morbidity & mortality & w/ symptoms, pain, health behaviors. The negativity bias - bad is stronger than good. 3 categories of stressors (3 ways of getting upset) The stress response can also get activated in an anticipation of the stressful event. Performed experiments on cats & dogs to investigate interactions between the sympathetic nervous system & the endocrine system (sam) Prepares body for emergency - survival response. Considered as the father of the study of stress. Developed the idea that a direct relationship exists between chronic stress & excessive wear & tear throughout the body. Stress - a nonspecific response of the body to any demand. Our stress response system defends, then fatigues. Stress alarm resistance exhaustion diseases of adaptation.