[PSC 101] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (83 pages long)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Psc 101 lecture 1 different perspectives for studying behavior. This allows researchers to compare results from experiments on humans and animals. Environmental factors: genetic factors can explain only 50% of variability in prevalence of schizophrenia, environmental factors play a role as well (viral infections, delivery complications, psychosocial stress) Psc 101 lecture 2 cells and structures. Cell body: contains nucleus and protein synthesizing machinery for the rest of the cell. Axon: extends from cell body, carries electrical potential (via axon terminal), sends a chemical message to adjacent neurons. Integration zone: whether or not to produce a neural signal. Conducting zone: where info can be transmitted over great distances. Output zone: where the neuron transfers info to other cells. Neurons are also classified by three general shapes. Multipolar neurons: one axon, many dendrites; most common type. Bipolar neurons: one axon, one dendrite, sensory/visual system. Unipolar: a single extension branches in 2 directions, forming an input zone and an output zone, somatosensory system(touch)