[PSC 1] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (41 pages long!)

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Statistics: descriptive describe data, frequencies. Inferential statistics used to make distribution of data an inference about: ages, ethnicities, gender, general scores. Tuskegee observation of natural progression of syphilis in african american men who thought they were receiving free health care: penicillin found to be good cure, but not given to men because researchers wanted to finish study. Now there is institutional review board (irb) that ensures research is ethical. Experimenter expectancy the researcher watches participants and evaluates who is hyper and who is not: biased, can even affect behavior of nonhuman animals (amazing mark horse example) Cohort effects effects that result from a group of people growing up at a particular time: transition from traditional phones to cell phones because more young people are using them. Early experiences parenting, diet, activity levels: but humans are also affected by later experiences. Nature vs nurture: sometimes separate but sometimes they interact, gene expression gene only triggered by certain experience.