[POL 51] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (42 pages long)

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Document Summary

Describes a relationship we expect to see between 2 variables if the model is true . Tells us what value the dv is predicted to be given a certain value of the iv. Cause or causal factor, explanatory variable, usually denoted as x". Iv needs to have different values for us to know if it has an impact on the dv. The effect, the outcome variable, usually denoted as y". Talk only about the expected relationship between variable values. No need to provide rationale (the because), that"s provided by theory. If rain amounts increase, we should see river levels rise. (x: rain amounts, y: river levels) More hypotheses tested (and the evidence supports it) = the more confidence in the theory: empirical test (w/real-life data, evaluation of hypothesis (what do the tests say?, evaluation of causal theory (re-examine causal theory)