[POL 2] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (67 pages long!)

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How to compare political systems across many countries. Classify countries into democracies and non-democracies (authoritarian regimes) Institutions be divided and arranged that each may be a check on the other (james madison, Most important is the check on the executive (more balanced country) Democratization -- a process of acquiring the characteristics of democracy. Creation of the institutional requirements of representative govt. Competitive elections = extension to entire pop. of the right to vote in open and competitive elections. Would democracy decline if the support for economical ?? declined. How did a country transform into a democracy from a single party state? (poland - success) Measuring democracy: simple yes/no ( dichotomous" measure, most common. Look at the ?? of competitive elections: scale of more/less democracy. One country may be very" democratic while another is only partially" democratic: freedom house measures freedom" around the world.