PHI 1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Incompatibilism, Compatibilism

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If unable to make a choice, then options and outcome are fixed. Both necessary conditions, jointly sufficient, not sufficient independently. If you can use universal laws to predict the future, you do not have a choice in affecting the future. Responsibility principle: only responsible for action if you chose the action. Hard (strict) determinism = no free will. Free will and determinism cannot each be true at the same time. If determinism is false, the laws of nature are sufficient in the past but not in the future so future events occur by chance. By chance = still no free will. P1 either free will or determinism are true. Agent causation: force that pushes you to choose one option over another, but not a force of nature, control over what beliefs and desires you have while being restricted by the laws of nature. Determinism is paused (not true in the moment), multiple choices with agent causation for one.