ETX 20 Study Guide - Final Guide: Osteosarcoma, Stab Wound, Wound

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Unusual peak in the gc chromatogram was observed. Didn"t look like much but they investigated it and it was the cause. Crystals formed from melamine and cyanuric acid. Caused renal or kidney failure in the animals. Steps during crime scene investigation and lab analysis. Relies on crime scene documentation and investigation. Collection: after documentation, air dry, paper bags. In situ documentation: documentation at the crime scene. Ex situ documentation: documentation in the lab. Forensic serology: finding and id type of bodily fluids (presumptive and confirmatory tests) Disadvantage=cross-reacts with strong-oxidizing agents, so it produces false positives. Procedure: moisten swab, swab stain, add reagent. Frequency of genotype at each locus can be multiplied together. Abo blood group and polymorphic blood proteins. Disadvantage: power of discrimination not as high as dna. High quality dna samples usually needed for tests. You need a lot of a sample. Limitation: high quality dna sample needed, labor intensive, statistics interpretation can be difficult.