ECS 188 Midterm: sp14_midterm2_solutions

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Midterm 2: you have approximately 2 hours and 50 minutes, the exam is closed book, closed notes except your two-page crib sheet, mark your answers on the exam itself. If you are not sure of your answer you may wish to provide a brief explanation. All short answer sections can be successfully answered in a few sentences at most. First and last name of student to your left. First and last name of student to your right. Pacman is trying to hunt a ghost in an in nite hallway with positions labeled as in the picture above. He"s become more technologically savvy, and decided to locate nd the ghosts actual position, st, using some sensors he set up. From the sensors, pacman can nd, at each time step, a noisy reading of the ghost"s location, ot. However, just as pacman has gained technology, so has the ghost.