CMN 140 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ben Bagdikian, Media Literacy, Cognitive Development

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People believe that effects only happen to others and not themselves. Broader perspective = more media literate: consider timing as a dimension of media effects. Timing- when evidence of effects starts to show. Define and provide example for the following types: Even as adults, careful attention to social models. Belief-type effect- belief- faith that something is true or real. Show us values used by people in news and fictional characters. Other times, evolves over time (many characters and situations) beliefs about attractiveness, relationships, success. Attitudinal-type effect- attitude- evaluative judgement based on standard. Simply accept attitude of media figure or character. Make our own judgements based on standards set by media (body image). Influence stronger at general level than specific level. Emotional-type effect- immediate effects: triggers stronger emotions (rage and fear) and weak emotions (sadness and boredom). Long term effects- desensitization after years of exposure to media violence.