CMN 120 Midterm: CMN 120 - Love, Lust and Marriage Video Notes and Interpersonal Attraction Video Notes

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8 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Video: love, lust and marriage: love begins with an animal-like feeling called lust. Smell plays a big part of the animal. Male"s looks for females (in animals: symmetrical human faces are rated as more attractive than non-symmetrical faces. Based on their intimacy with parents (small, subtle movements and chaoticness in ur household) As you get more older, you still have those same signals but more sophisticated. For men: survival of genes, evolution pushes men to have sex with as many as possible. Stay or stray lifelong monogamy is rare. Men like to have sex with multiple partners. Marks the end of courtship (rules on how you mate) and the onset of. Marriage ends with a wimper, loss of connection over time instead of passion. Interpersonal attraction video: more attractive woman in the broken down car scenario got more help, more attractive people get treated better and higher chance of hiring, they also white so .