BIS 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Replica Plating, Auxotrophy, Dna

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Master plate with bacterial colonies is pressed onto it. Interrupted mating you can map bacterial genes from conjugation data. Bacterial and viral genetic continued: exogenote the dna fragment that is transferred over, endogenote the original dna fragment that corresponds to the fragment that is transferred over. It adds nucleotides to the free 3" hydroxyl and can synthesize denovoa without a primer: rna synthesis: It"s base pair complementary with the dna template. Intrinsic termination (rho-independent) occurs from a sequence in the. Introns non-coding regions, transcribed in rna sequences but removed from mrna by splicing and not used for translation: both introns and exons are originally transcribed in the mrna, through splicing, introns are removed from the mrna. Isoforms different forms of mrna based on the same template that can result in different proteins: transcription and rna processing are coupled in eukaryotes. In eukaryotes, transcription and translation are two separate events: protein amino acid polymer (chain)