MUSIC 120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Prosper Mérimée, Georges Bizet, Celesta

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A type of German song, especially of the Romantic period, typically for solo voice with
piano accompaniment
Symphonie fantastique
- Begat by Berlioz's feelings for Harriet Smithson
- Five Movements
- "Should be considered as the spoken text of an opera, serving to introduce the musical
movements whose characters and expression it motivates"
idée fixe
- An idea or desire that dominates the mind
- Associated with Hector Berlioz
24 Caprices
- Associated with Nicolo Paganini
- Lively pieces of music, typically short and free in form
Transcendental Etudes
- Associated with Franz Liszt
- Demonstrates Lizst's "three hands" illusion
- A series of twelve compositions for solo piano
Tone poem
a piece of orchestral music, typically in one movement, on a descriptive or
rhapsodic theme
tempo rubato
- A slight pushing and holding back of tempo in the right-hand part, while the left hand
accompaniment continues in strict, regular time
- Associated with Frederick Chopin
“La Donna e mobile” from Rigoletto
- Sung in Bel canta ("beautiful singing")
- Rigolleto - a libretto based on a play by Victor Hugo
- Written by Giuseppe Verdi
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