MATH 126 Midterm: MATH 126 UW Midterm 1 Spring 11taggartExI

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31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

I a rm that my work upholds the highest standards of honesty and academic integrity at the. University of washington, and that i have neither given nor received any unauthorized assistance on this exam. Total 50: your exam should consist of this cover sheet, followed by 4 problems. Check that you have a complete exam: show all work and justify your answers, unless otherwise indicated, your answers should be exact values rather than decimal approx- 4 is an exact answer and is preferable to its decimal approximation imations. (for example, . 0. 7854. : you may use a scienti c calculator and one 8. 5 11-inch sheet of handwritten notes. Do not cheat: turn your cell phone off and put it away for the duration of the exam. Math 126 spring 2011: (12 points) 1 (a) find the point of intersection of the following lines. 1 : x = 3 t, y = 4 + 2t, z = 1 + t.