CSE 344 Final: CSE 344 UW Final Exam Solution 13 Fall

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31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

- left outer join with two selections: select * from r left outer join s on r. x=55 and r. y=s. z and s. u=99. The union operation: select r. k from r union select s. k from s. The case statement: select r. name, (case when r. rating=1 then "like it" when r. rating=0 then "do not like it" when r. rating is null then "do not know" else "unknown" end) from r; as my_rating. Note: with is not supported in sqlite, but it is supported sql server and in postgres. with t as (select * from r where r. k>10) select * from t where t. k<20. Every user has a key (uid), a name (uname) and a city. Every picture has a key (pid), an author (uid) that is a foreign key to usr, a size, and the pdf content (which is plain text). 500000, "fghk"); insert into picture values(70, 5, 4000000, "ghkm");