BIOL 300 Study Guide - Final Guide: Prepulse Inhibition, Twin, Iproniazid

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Big concepts: rough scales and sizes and numbers of brain systems, structures, and components, forces determining the movement of ions across the plasma membrane. Changing neuronal properties by modulating channels and receptors by phosphorylation, by inserting (or removing) channels or receptors, and by changing expression of channel and receptor genes. Drugs and the brain: how drugs get from being ingested/smoked/snorted into the blood stream. Drugs are ingested, inhaled, or sometimes directly injected into the blood: the various molecular targets of drugs: can be ligand-gated channels, gpcrs, synaptic transporters, or vesicular transporters. Cocaine: coca plant, effective for high altitude sickness. When you have cocaine in your lungs, nose, and stomach, it exists in a chemical equilibrium between the charged state and the uncharged state. In order to get it into the blood, it has to cross a lipid barrier. If you are a charged molecule, you can"t go through the barrier.