BIOL 113 Midterm: Review Outline for Lecture 19: Digestive System

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Definitions: accessory structures: participate in digestion but are not part of the canal. Mucosa secretes mucus, digestive enzymes, and hormones; absorbs nutrients; protects against infection; consists of simple columnar epithelium. In stomach, mucosa secretes hydrochloric acid that activates enzymes involved with protein digestion. Submucosa has many blood and lymphatic vessels and nerve fibers; areolar connective tissue. Muscularis 2 layers of smooth muscle; allows for peristalsis (propelling of ingested food forward) & segmentation (mixes and breaks food down) Serosa function is protection; areolar connective tissue covered with layer of squamous epithelium esophagus has adventitia (dense ct) instead of serosa* Be able to identify location and digestive function of the following structures . Alimentary canal/gi tract: long tube through which digestive contents pass. Major/extrinsic salivary glands & minor/intrinsic salivary glands: produce saliva, which cleans mouth, dissolves food to let it enter taste buds, helps form boluses, contains amylase (starts carbohydrate digestion), and contains antibacterial proteins.