PSY 101- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 28 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Memory as information processing tape recorder: three steps: encoding- first step get information into brain, storage- retain info, retrieval- process where we get info out of brain for later use. Presented with list of info, recall pieces of info that is presented first and last. Recency effect- immediately after learning new info we recall last pieces of info best. Pieces of info we hear last are still fresh in short term memory. After delay after learning we recall first items in the list best. First items get more attention and rehearsal than any info. Visual info can be registered in brain but fades quickly: echoic memory, adaptive advantage, sensory memory that fades quickly is good bc its unnecessary, a fleeting auditory memory. Holds only a few items but it lasts for several seconds info that we don"t need. Viewing the world in a series of snapshots: echoic memory.