PSY 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Bar And Bat Mitzvah, Parenting Styles, Functional Fixedness

79 views13 pages
24 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Memory learning that has persisted over time. Information processing: encoding getting information into our brain, storage the process by which we retain information, retrieval the process by which we get information out of the brain when needed. Sometimes information skips directly to long-term memory without conscious awareness. Information is short-term memory is processed very actively (rehearsed and associated with other information we already encoded) Types of information processing: automatic processing processing occurs without our conscious knowledge, effortful processing - processing requires deliberate, conscious attention. Serial position effect: when presented information in a sequence, people tend to remember the first and the last pieces of information presented best due to the primacy effect and the recency effect. Primacy recall the first items best because we had the longest time to rehearse them. Recency effect recall the last items because they are still in short-term memory. Showed participants an image of three rows of three letters for.