CHM 131 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Rice Chart, Weak Base, Reagent

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Are created when acid and base are combined. Only salts that include oh- change ph: metal cation does not do anything to ph. Salts of weak acids (no h+, replaced with metal); a- + h2o oh- + ha. Salts of weak base (have a h+); bh+ + h2o h3o+ + b. 1mch3co2h * (. 1l) = . 1molch3co2h there is only conjugate which means that the reaction must go backwards. Since ka is big, all reagent converts into conjugate and then. X = 2. 36*10-5 = [oh-] (5% check is okay) poh = -log[oh-] = 4. 63 ph = 14 4. 63 = 9. 37. Steps: write reactions, do ice table of first equation (will be the one with highest ka, take the products of first equation and put them in an ice table for next reaction, continue. 2: ph of . 1m of oxalic acid (h2c2o4) X = . 053 did(cid:374)"t wo(cid:396)k th(cid:396)ough si(cid:373)plifi(cid:272)atio(cid:374) (cid:894)5% (cid:272)he(cid:272)k, so had to do (cid:395)uad(cid:396)ati(cid:272) fo(cid:396)(cid:373)ula(cid:895)