BCS 110- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 168 pages long!)

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Biopsychology: the scientific study of the biology behavior, also referred to as behavioral neuroscience/behavioral biology. ~3000 bc: ancient egypt (brain is important but behavior comes from the heart) ~400 bc: ancient greece (brain gives rise to behavior) ~200 ad: roman empire (confirmed that the brain is responsible for behavior) ~1600 ad: renaissance (actually started exploring the brain) ~1859 ad: origin of species by charles darwin (specific traits get passed down, behavior has evolutionary pressure) ~1949ad: the organization of behavior by hebb (each area of the brain does one specific behavior) Biopsychology holds that all behavior is the product of interactions among 3 factors: the organisms genetic endowment, which is the product of evolution via natural selection, its experience, and its perception of the current situation. Jimmie g was a good looking, friendly 49 year old. He liked to talk about his school days, and his experiences in the navy , which he was able to describe in detail.